Protecting Children’s Rights: The Guardian Ad Litem Role
In family law matters, a child’s voice may not always be heard. At Pyfrom & Reisler, P.A., we understand the importance of safeguarding children’s well-being; in some cases, this may involve the appointment of a guardian ad litem (GAL). Our attorney Jennifer Reisler, a Board Certified Specialist in Marital and Family Law, serves as a dedicated guardian ad litem, ensuring the best interests of the child are represented in legal proceedings.
A guardian ad litem is a court-appointed attorney who advocates solely for the best interests of a child in legal proceedings. This objective role ensures a child’s voice is heard and their needs are considered throughout the case.
GALs are typically appointed when a child’s interests may conflict with their parents or guardians. This can include complex child custody disputes, abuse or neglect cases, and adoption proceedings. The GAL conducts an independent investigation, interviewing the child, family members and relevant professionals. They then present their recommendations to the court, ensuring the child’s perspective is represented.
One Question At A Time
Moving forward with a guardian ad litem can be a complex situation with many questions. These are answers to the two questions our family lawyers get most often.
When is a guardian ad litem appointed?
A judge may appoint a GAL when they believe a child’s interests may not be adequately represented by their parents or guardians. This can occur in cases involving complex custody arrangements, allegations of abuse or neglect, or when a child expresses a desire for their voice to be heard.
What qualifications does a GAL need?
GALs are typically experienced attorneys or social workers with specialized training in child advocacy. They possess strong communication and investigative skills, allowing them to represent the child’s best interests effectively.
Safeguarding Children’s Futures
If you have questions about the role of a guardian ad litem, attorney Jennifer Reisler can provide knowledgeable guidance. To make an appointment with Jennifer in our Palm Beach office, call 561-354-0403 or contact us online.